About Me
- Phil Ogilvie
- Dallas, Texas, United States
- Husband and Father, Christian, Perpetual Student, Pastor, Preacher, Traveler among other things - Blessed.
What Everyone's Reading
Joy is made manifest only through Christ and if you are trying to acquire it in any other way, you will continually experience the disgrace ...
I'm only half way though this video where Steve Jobs releases the iPad2 and I have to say, Apple is amazing! They are amazing not just ...
The Monday before I teach at the Awakening , I try to share a piece of my manuscript so that the community can get an idea of what we are ta...
Check out LeverageU
Some Blogs I like
Blog Archive
- Ruth & Relationships
- 60 Second Survey - Part 1
- It's Time to write a Thesis
- Ruth and Relationships
- Martin Luther King Jr. "I Have a Dream"
- Pray on Purpose: Day 4 of 30
- Pray on Purpose: Day 1 - Confession
- New Look for a New Year
- Here's How You get me to return to your restaurant...
- 2010 Blog Review
- NYE In the Big D
I'm doing some research both for The Awakening and my Thesis. Will you please take this quick survey?
My questions:
How are churches responding to the spirituality of Millennials?
What has worked? What hasn't?
If you are of the Millennial age, what are some of the values important to you?
What are some of the questions you think I need to ask?
Thanks for your comments. It will really help me out a lot as I prepare for this daunting process.
As I am building this series, one thing is coming up a lot. Our most God honoring and healthy relationships happen when we are not focused on ourselves but on the other person. Think about it, when we enter a dating relationship thinking, "What can I get out of this?" or "What needs can she/he meet?" we are focused selfishly on ourselves. When are marriage is simply an exchange of "If you do this, I'll do that" then we are focused selfishly on ourselves.
Boaz and Ruth both exhibit selflessness as they enter into their relationship. I'm looking forward to our teaching team developing this further and the discussions happening during our gatherings on Tuesday night.
For those of you reading, tell me what you think. What stage of relationship are you in (of the four) and how have you seen this concept of self focus at work?
BTW, for long time readers, you may remember me writing about the Leverage of Boaz in three parts a while back. Some of this is going to come into play in the message about Dating.
I listen to this speech every year. It is so inspiring. When was the last time to heard/read this speech?
My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride,From every mountainside, let freedom ring!
Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.
Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
What are the dream's have been placed in you, causing a "Holy Discontent."
Over the last few days I have noticed something that I have experienced before, but have never put so much thought into. When we simply get started in a little of prayer, God will lead us to pray for more. We've been challenged to pray for our life's purpose, the the Awakening's purpose, and for three others to find their purpose in a saving relationship with Christ. But when I start down that road, I can't simply pray for these things alone. I think we've tapped into something here concerning prayer: A little turns into a lot. It's amazing what can happen when we just get started.
Have you found this to be true in your prayer life?
What other thins have you added to your prayer list once yous imply Got started?
1) A Personal "Life on Purpose" That we would have a life that seeks to glorify God in all we do and take the opportunities He give to us to do so.
2) The Awakening to Gather on Purpose. We want to carry out our mission to lead young adults in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through authentic social community.
3) The salvation of three others. For three others to experience the Life on Purpose that only comes from a relationship with Christ.
Over the next thirty days, I am going to try and share my experiences as I pray. I will not share every day, but I will share those days, like today, that I sense a greater leading by God in prayer.
Today, As I prayed for a personal life on purpose, I was overcome with a sense of confession. I could not start this thirty days of prayer without confessing my lack of "on Purpose" prayer. I am great at praying through out the day as situations present themselves and comes to mind. But to stop and prayer, even for 10 minutes and to focus on God is not as consistent in my life as I would like it to be.
I also had to confess that I have not taken the opportunities to live a Life on Purpose when God has clearly presented them to me. Opportunities to share my faith, to love others, to help and serve people in need. I get busy doing my things and when His things intersect, I'm too focused on myself. Lame! That is going to change!
I hope you will join many of us in this 30 days of prayer. You can start when ever you want (like right now) and you can tweak it to your own life and passions. But let us agree, if we all start 2011 with 30 days of prayer how much would our lives be different at the beginning of 2012!
Who's Joining Me? Comment below so that I can pray for you as well, and share this post on Facebook or Twitter.
Follow the lead of Brooklyn's at Firewheel Mall:
- Stop what you are doing and walk over to the To Go counter as soon as I show up.
- Make an exception and let me order your personal pizza even though you stopped serving it two hours ago.
- Ask me if I'd like a Free drink while I wait (make sure you say free). Everyone knows drinks don't cost you more than 10 cents so it's cool when you don't charge me two bucks.
- While I wait at the bar, give me a status update on my order. Also, a little conversation is nice.
This is my first time here, the atmosphere looks great, and the menu looks complete and tasty. Unless I get sick on the food, I will return... With friends.
#1 The Epic Fail of Disney This was a pretty funny post from a pic that my wife took at Target. By far the funniest post on this blog.
#2 A Cultural Anthropology of Halloween Matthew making his parents proud! Kinda....
#3 The Leverage of Boaz This is actually one of my favorite posts. It was a post written based on a manuscript of a message I gave at The Awakening but also kind of an inaugural post about LeverageU.
Was there a post you liked that didn't make the list?
If you had the steak, you were blessed by Ryan's (Executive Chef) amazing team. Every bite melted in my mouth. Though Vegetarian options were not on the special menu for the evening, Mike Peal made sure my wife and Rachel would have something delectable, serving them a mixture of brussel sprouts, carrots and some other rabbit food. I don't think vegetarian fare is their strong point, but that didn't stop them from being creative and making sure we enjoyed our evening.
The night ended as it should, watching the live but previously recorded Times Square Ball drop in New York, and then stepping outside on their beautiful patio to watch an amazing fireworks show from Victory Park at the American Airlines Center. I think we may have had the best view in town.
Thanks Saint Ann, and Mike Peal specifically for a great NYE celebration and I hope 2011 will be a successful year for the restaurant.
What did you do for NYE?